Photos compliments of Mike/W5ZPA
Ray/N6VR, welcoming some Louisiana DXers (W5ZPA, KB5GL, W5FKX) to the 59th International DX Convention in Visalia, CA.
Fred/N6AWD, well-known IOTA DXpedition QSL manager, and Silvano/KB5GL.
Mike/K9AJ, describing some interesting moments of his last IOTA DXpedition.
One of the main draws of the vendor exhibits was the Elecraft booth (left) with the new K3 transceiver (right). With impressive specs, many are expecting it to be a big hit. In fact, delivery of current orders is scheduled for August! Seen below it in the case (brown L-shaped component) is the second receiver that is also soon to be available. Guess who ordered one?